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  • Writer's pictureKenny "Rem" Saint-Vil

Betnijah Laney: Queen Ambidextrous


I spoke with Betnijah Laney at the USA Women's Basketball Training Camp, I had the opportunity to delve into her unique skill set as an ambidextrous ball player. Laney's ability to handle the basketball with equal proficiency in both hands is a testament to her dedication and hard work. In a world where many professionals struggle with ambidexterity, Laney stands out as one of the best in the game, not only in the WNBA but beyond.

The Power of Ambidexterity:

I asked Laney about the importance of being an ambidextrous player, and she shared the fascinating story behind her exceptional ballhandling skills. She said, “So funny thing is, I’m actually left-handed. I can’t do anything else with my right hand except play basketball. I think it was something that my mom, she started me off and she made sure I always put the ball in my right hand because she said my left would just come naturally. Which in a way it does, if I had to I can shoot left-handed. Obviously, if you see me play I use my left majority of the time just being that’s what hand I am and that’s where I’m comfortable but being that I worked really hard to get my right to where it is, so credit to my mom for helping me do that.”

Laney's commitment to honing her skills with both hands has resulted in her impressive performance on the court. This versatility showcases the value of being ambidextrous which has allowed her to excel.

The Grueling Season:

The upcoming season presents a unique challenge for Laney and other WNBA players, as they will have to balance their WNBA commitments with Olympic play. With the WNBA season followed by a break for the Olympics and then the resumption of the WNBA season, the players' physical and mental endurance will undoubtedly be tested.

Embracing Versatility:

During our interview, I also asked Laney about her offseason preparation for the upcoming season and the Olympics. She emphasized her commitment to versatility and continuous improvement, stating, “Just a little bit of everything. You know I pride myself on being versatile and just being able to do whatever it is. I think I’ve continued to add to my game over the years and as I’m comfortable at all  3 levels just kinda tighten things up and just being a threat at all  3 levels.”

Looking Ahead:

As we anticipate the  2024 WNBA season and the Olympics, Laney has her sights set on achieving greatness. She aims to not only contribute to the team's pursuit of a gold medal for the USA but also to help the Liberty secure their first championship. Laney's impressive performance throughout the   2023 WNBA season, coupled with her determination and versatility, positions her as a key player in these endeavors.


Betnijah Laney's journey as an ambidextrous player showcases the importance of versatility. Her ability to excel with both hands serves as an inspiration to aspiring basketball players. Laney's unwavering commitment to adding dimensions to her game reflects her dedication to continuous improvement. As she pursues success on both the national and professional stage, all eyes will be on Laney as she strives to make history both for herself and her team. The quotes from Laney highlight her personal journey and dedication, further emphasizing her unique talents as a basketball player.

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